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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

911 Writer's Block

So I got on Twitter this morning, to find this link from, of all people, Demi Moore, just begging me to click it.

So I did.

And it is AWESOME! And it made me laugh, which I needed. So thanks Mrs. Kutcher, for sharing this in the Twitterverse.

And just a head's up for all you April Foolers out there...beware the Rickroll. 9 out of 10 links today lead directly to, yep, you guessed it...Rick Astley. What happened to original pranks?

1 comment:

Sweet Caroline said...

That is good sh**. I sent the link over to everybody I know. How did you find that? You are so cool. I don't say that much to people. Usually it is fluffy words like, "fabulous...yummmy....cute." But, you are just dang cool. Period. That is a huge compliment, by the way.