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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Merry Christmas (yeah, I said it)

Holy cow, the holiday season is madness, and I haven't even (hardly) left the house! I don't think I have ever had such a full calendar, even before I had kids and had a "life", so to speak. I mean, it is literally like every single day is planned down to the minute.

Part of that is because it helps me not go completely postal on my kids during the day if we have a schedule of some sort; with Colin being autistic (possibly-still being diagnosed, huge pain in the butt, don't even get me started), he has to have things on a schedule or he'll have a meltdown. So my day is full of lists from the time we wake up until the kids are both asleep, and then my "free time" at night has been filled with present wrapping, last-minute bargain shopping on the 'net (I am such a pro, it's ridiculous), and cleaning everything I missed during the day. Oh, and trying to read a little of Book 10 in the Wheel of Time series. (And reading just a little is like, impossible. You have to commit to read this series, and by book 10....yeah, I'm pretty commited.) And snuggle for a millisecond with my husband before I fall asleep.

So every time I get ready to write, I just sit down and stare vacantly at whatever is in front of me, so overwhelmed to actually have a minute of my own time that I can't even do anything with it but watch it slip away, and then looking back at the wasted staring I did once my kids need something (which is ALL THE TIME.)

So I haven't written anything in a few days, and now I'm getting a little antsy in my pantsy's, just like after I drink a lot of syrup (please tell me you've seen Super Troopers, otherwise I'll sound crazy. And so will you-how have you not seen this hilarious movie?!)
And even though it's 10:30pm right now, and my eyes close all by themselves at 11:45pm every night, no matter where I am (which makes me feel so old at 25), I am going to write. I have a icy cold can of Coke (my FAVORITE!) in front of my that I just opened to help me along the way. Hey, I know it's not the greatest before-bedtime beverage, and I don't care. You only live once, it's the holidays, I'm worth it, blah blah blah. I'll regret the lack of sleep tomorrow, but as for tonight...

I'm off to find out what my people have been doing in my absence, dilligently journaling their journey, wherever it may lead.

In case I lose another few weeks in the holiday time warp that is my life right now, I hope yours is fantastic, and remember to be kind; it costs you nothing, but it's priceless to others.

~peace & love~
(spread it around!)

1. Robert Pattinson

2. 1965 Ivy Green Mustang Fastback

3. A Vacation
4. This Awesome Chair to Write/'Net Stalk From

5. A Weekly Massage

6. World Peace


Sweet Caroline said...

I got it! Okay...Robert Pattinson in the Mustang, driving up to the Vacation spot. He sits in the empty chair next to you, hands you the cig, and tells you in explicit detail how he is going to give you a weekly massage for the rest of your life.

Now...that cool chair is for your son. No schedule needed. Just set him in it, and viola! No meltdowns.

Okay. I almost started crying reading your posting, actually. This is how I feel. You just put it in words for me. I am so proud of you for keeping him on schedule.

Word Ninja said...

OMG Carolyn!! You have just put my ultimate fantasy into words! I am going to spend the next few weeks daydreaming about exactly that! Except, I'll be driving Rob in the Mustang.

Colin (& I) would adore that chair! Thanks for the support (w/ the TV-watching thing-I feel less like a terrible parent), and continue being the rockin' chick that you are!

Oh, and I'm (slowly) getting that little thing ready for your reading pleasure ;) Not too much longer!

Sweet Caroline said...

Yeah. Yeah. I have heard it all before: "Oh, and I am getting that little thing ready for your reading pleasure..." Usually the word, 'reading' isn't there, though.

Tease! :) Ha Ha

Word Ninja said...

There is no way to make LOL big enough to encompass how much I'm laughing!! You are in my mind I swear! "That little thing"....yeah, that's what she said.

Thanks for starting my morning off with a big out loud laugh, followed by some tiny giggles which I still can't control. ;)